Monday, 18 April 2011

Moderation :Key To Good Health -Beware of bombardment of Scientific advices


Beware of bombardment of Scientific advices

The ‘Times View ‘/ “Counter View” published in Delhi edition of  ‘The Times of India’ on  16th April 2011 under the headline ‘Experts revise opinion about dietary cholesterol and eggs’  touches upon a  subject which is vital to our lives and an eye opener for all of us who take scientific advice as the ultimate truth. I am not a scientist and therefore not sure how a scientific research is  undertaken and results obtained . As a layman,  I know only what I have heard : Science is two and two make four . Hence , unlike  studies in non- scientific branches   where conclusions are drawn  from surveys based on  assumptions and probables , scientific   research is not expected to draw conclusions  which are alterable with every fresh research. If that happens , people’ faith  is  shaken , leaving  them confused.  

We live in an era when people are far more conscious and fussy in the matter of  health and  dieting habits  than  our predecessors were , thanks to expanding channels for information dissemination.  Naturally, people, in their efforts to remain healthy, go strictly by the book in the matter of their diets without being aware that the rules of the book keep changing . Once confused , they start relying on hearsay which , in turn, begets a chain of damaging  myths about  what is  a healthy diet and what is harmful, as in the case of latest revision on eggs. The end result could be that they may  render themselves weak and vulnerable to diseases  or suffer obesity by following sedentary lifestyle assuming it to be good for the  health. . 

While the  research to ascertain the nutritive value of almost all the edible commodities goes on , it is seldom that we are able to keep track of the latest recommendations about  all the commodities all the time .We thus  go by the popular perceptions about their nutritive features  which  may be  the perpetuation of prevailing trends  based on earlier study that has now been turned upside down by latest research .  Eggs , for instance , used to be considered earlier highly nutritive for healthy people and a tonic for  convalescents.  And then came the scientific research  that  restricted its consumption to only two eggs a week, for,  it contained a high degree of cholesterol, depriving people of even the calcium that it contains.  And , now the latest revised opinion of the experts turns it upside down reducing the  earlier findings to mere myths .

What  happens in such a situation. While  at one point of time  eggs became untouchables, a formidable  source of high cholesterol and, as such, a grave risk of  heart attack , now , after the discovery that they have less cholesterol , added with  common assumption that the white in it is all calcium and hence healthy, there will  be open license to consume them more and more This is a dangerous and hazardous to health..

In my opinion, while Times View rightly emphasizes  that ‘Healthy diet  a must’, Mr Ajay Vaishnav , in his counterview, is not wrong either when he expresses the view ‘Eat as you wish’. In fact , for evolving a sensible approach we have to adopt the finer points of both the views. We should take healthy diet with the best of our knowledge but should not over do it assuming it to be containing nothing but nectar, for our knwldge may not be complete. It may contain harmful elements, howsoever minimal they may be. Taken in moderation,  the intake of harmful remains nominal.     

 I am inclined to agree with Mr Ajay Vaishnav’s view that “ In to days’ world , people are being bombarded with ‘scientific advice’ on their health and food habits . Studies are being produced  a dime a dozen on these issues , making neurotics  of people who would otherwise be healthy naturally. Every now and then, new research comes up  with a fresh set of dietary suggestions, which challenge and dethrone the results of previous studies, there by adding to the general confusion .”  It looks that by advising us to “eat as you wish’’, Mr Vaishnav perhaps pointing to the food habits that may have the least  dependence on scientific advise alone. We should  go by our own menus provided  we eat  in moderation. The age old virtue of moderation in eating habits , seems to be the secret of  good health . This means eating  everything  but in moderation  , so that while its healthy contents are absorbed   by the body , its unhealthy elements can be  easily repulsed  by   the cleaning system of our  body.


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